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Here are your beautiful cards
I want to do something special for my blogoversary and 30,000 hits BLOG CANDY
The October "Think Pink" campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness is very close to my heart and I am sure it is the same for many of you too.
So when the new "Tilda Think Pink" stamps were released on Saturday I was straight on the site to order 2 Tilda's and a couple of sentiments.
I have decided as you girls have been so kind and supportive over the past year I am going give one of each... a BCA Tilda and sentiment along with lots of pink goodies to make your cards with.
No picture at the moment but as soon as the stamps arrive I will post one. I am going to keep this open for the whole month of October and I will get my Mum to choose a winner on Friday 31st October at 20.00 hrs.
Here is what I would like you to do.. if you have time can you make a pink card and send it to someone who could do with a little tender loving care.
It would be lovely if it was someone who's life has been touched by this terrible disease but it can be anyone who could do with a kind word and a beautiful card to cheer them up.. I am sure we all know someone.
Post a picture of your card on your blog and link it back to me here so I can come and have a look, if you don't have a blog you can still play just email me your entry.
So come on girls get out your pink stash and MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY
My card is here
Here is what you can win PM pink cards and vellums,pink ribbons and embellishments,pink x cut distressing tool,color box cats eye inks, think pink Belgium chocolate lolly, pin, and mobile phone charm and of course pink Tilda when she arrives!!
At last a picture of the Pink Tilda and sentiment
Please let everyone know
Thanks for joining in with the challeng Sue :o)
What a fabulous idea, Sue! Having been through this myself, I know that it is so touching when someone sends a little message to lift your spirits. You are a special person to remind us that there is always someone who needs a bit of cheering up. Thanks for doing something meaningful for BCA in October!!!
Great idea Sue. I'll get my thinking cap on.
What a fabulous idea - just a little question (me not being great on pink even though I have 2 pink obsessed little girls) can it be pink and another colour?
CAthy xx
You are just the sweetest! I made sure to make mine up first thing, this is one Challenge I didn't want to miss, one for a good cause! And I have a close friend that really can use a pick me up right now.
Hope it is pink enough ;0)
Stamps, Paper, Scissors and Donkey Smiles: It's a Pink Day!
ok - going to break out the pink now!!! What a good candy cause!!
As most of us, I know someone who has suffered and would like to join in this wonderful idea of yours Sue. I'll get onto it straight away.
Hugs Viv xx
Hi Sue, what a great idea. I've decided to make a card for my friend Sonia who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 37 and had to go through a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Breast Cancer touches all people's lives regardless of age,sex,ethnicity so its a pleasure to take part in something that will brighten someones day
A wonderful idea, Sue. My lovely sister in law, Debbie, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and I will be sending my pink card to her. I also have a cousin and two friens who have also battled with the illness, and they are doing well, thankfully. I will be making pink cards to send to them too. I'll post my first card on my blog later tonight.
Maria xx
such an excellent idea and as I seem to be in pink mode just at the moment, there will be several cards headed on to friends. hugs, annie x
what a fab idea. My friend had a masectomy on friday and I am totally going to make her a pink card!
Here is my pink card at last, Sue -sorry for the delay.
Maria xx
Hi this is a great idea card is here
Thanks for the inspiration:)
Val xxx
Happy Blogoversary Sue. What a great idea to tie it in with the Think Pink campaign. I have made a card and added it to my blog.
Natalie x
What a wonderful Cause.. I have created a Pink Card. Here is the Link to my Blog.
Thanks for doing this and for the chance to win some really great Blog Candy
What a fantastic idea to celebrate your blogoversary! I have made my card for my Auntie who has breast cancer and is currently nearing the end of her treatment. I shall be sending my card to her! You can see it here on my blog along with my post about your blog candy.
Great Idea. Breast cancer runs in my family so this is a cause very close to my heart. Congratulations on your blogoversary. You can find my card HERE
Hi suzanne thanks for the comment, no it's not shrink plastic, that is the set of stamps, I was bought earlier this year, it comes as a set of 3, main tilda, the sentiment tilda and the ribbon
Gorgeous candy Sue & so good that the word is continually being spread about this monster!
Biggest hugs x
My card :)
Hi Suzanne
What a fabulous way to celebrate your 30,000 hits. My aunty died of breast cancer and my sister had a scare (thankfully no more than that) last year.
I have someone in mind for a card too!
HI Sue fabby blog candy and great idea my card is for one of my best friends it is on my blog xx
what a beautiful idea I will get creating as soon as I can - I lost my own mother to this 3 years ago so my card will be for my sister x
Congrats on all your hits :)! I am planning on e-mailing you a picture of my card that I made. I made it for two different little girls who are battling cancer, and thought they would love to get a girly card in the mail.
This is such a great idea!!! Here is my pink card.
TFL! Hugs Tanja
What a great idea, I think we have all had a contact somewhere affected (My Mum, my best friend and another friend) I will try and get my finger out and do something!!
What a wonderful idea - you are ingenous! Breast Cancer Awareness is very near and dear to my heart...I have a sister and aunt that are survivors - thank you for the reminder! I have linked your site on my blog -
Great idea, I have linked you to my blog.
Sam x
What a kind and loving thing to get everyone involved. I will be sending a card or two, but cannot put on my blog, as I don't have one yet and I can't load on e-mail as I have moved and everything is in boxes. But, I wanted to contribute to your fabulous idea.
Oh me, me.... I love this and will ad you to my blog candy roll call. This is a fabulous incentive
I'll be on the hunt for all my pink stash over the weekend.
xxxx Caz
Suzanne my card is here.
Thanks for looking,
Cathy xx
Hi great cause, fab candy. Have uploaded my pink new baby card
My card is here
hope this hyper link works...
great cause to raise awareness for.
<ahref="">Here's mine!</a>
love Tina
Hi Sue, there is an award for you on my blog. x
What an awesome idea! I have made a card that I will send out tomorrow-I have heard through the grapevine of a young lady (whom I do not know-but all the same)who is having a real tough time (I believe it is cancer) and has young children, and so I am sure she could use a pick me up-I want to make sure first from my friend that this is ok, and then it will be on it's way. You can see my card here (i used several items from a blog candy win) ,
I have just added my pink card to my blog - it will be heading for the post box straight after lunch to cheer up a dear friend who has recently been treated for Breast Cancer.
xxxx Caz
I have just put my card up now -
I hope it is ok. I lost my mother to breast cancer 3 years ago so I know how much a cheer up card can mean. A wonderful idea - thank you so much for doing it
hugs vicky x
WOW, too cool that my link posted before I did...LOL! Thanks so much for highlighting Breast Cancer Awareness on your blog! And SUPER Happy Blogiversary!!
Rubber Hugs,
Hi Sue, what a wonderful idea. I've made my card and you can find it
Lots of love, Denise x
great idea!!
thank's for the chance to win!!
Fabulous candy Suzanne, my card is here.
My card
Great idea Sue and lovely candy.
My card is here
mine is now on my blog (at last) sorry it has taken so long to take part Sue :)
Gina xxx
Well it took me longer than I expected to get round to it Sue, but do it I did!HERE It is!
Viv xx
Hiya Sue, what a wonderful idea and thank you so much. I've just popped a lil card on my blog, sorry for taking so long xx vicki xx
this would be wonderful to win to give to my mom, her 5th year anniversary is this Friday :)
thanks for stopping at the
I had leave a comment on 24.10.08 16:54
Now I've open my blog and add a pink card.
I have linked you to my blog & made a pink notebook HERE TFL :O)X
Gorgeous Pink Candy and what a fabulous idea to help raise awareness, I've made a pink card, you can find it here
thanks for looking and a chance to win
lv Gill x
your blog is very nice!!! congratulations for your blog candy!!!!i live in argentina....i d´ont sepeak english... i invit you to visit my blog... xoxoxoxo
What a lovely idea. I have done my card for my best friend who had breast cancer 4 years ago but luckily has come through it and now has the all clear. She has done lots of fund raising for this cause and also in 2006 she walked the Westhighland Way in Scotland. As it was her birthday on the 25th October I combined her pink card with her birthday card. She absolutely loved it and it sure cheered her up.
Hi Suzanne,
Í'm sorry for my late entry, but that's me: a last minute cardmaker.
Fabulous candy and a great idea to let everyone make a pink card.
As we speak my card is of to a very special lady who's facing a difficult time (I will email you her story later.)
Thanks for the great candy,
xoxo Karin
what a gorgeous stash of pink you have assembled!!! I have linked you on my blog (I did it ages ago in fact) and I have posted my pink card here
hope I'm not too late :)
Amanda xxx
Hi Suzanne
I'm even more of a last minute dot com than Karin is!
I have made some cards for the breast care unit to sell, they are on my blog and I am after commenting leaving to take them to the Breast Care unit.
Congrats on your blogerversary and thank you for raising awareness to a cause that is close to my heart..
Gina x
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