What shall I celebrate my 200th post which this is.... 6 months of blogging...... or nearly 11,000 hits or maybe the fact that you girls are just the BEST... the last one me thinks!!!!
Well hopefully spring is nearly on its way, although it hasn't felt like it this weekend !! I have planted 50 pansy's under my blossom tree this morning as non of my daffodils have come up this year must have gone to Australia where its a bit warmer!!!
My favourite Viburnum is out in full bloom and smells gorgeous!!!!
So what do I want you to do for this candy? well it's simple just take a picture of your favourite spring tree or spring plants in your garden and post it on your blog for me to see!!! now I know not all of you may be lucky enough to have gardens but I guess you probably live near somewhere that the daffodils are blooming in the park or on the grass verges!! If you don't have a blog email me a picture and I will put it on mine for you!!!.
Leave a comment here so I know you have posted it.
Now the all important question what can you win!!
There are a selection of CWC papers and DCWV spring stack papers some DCWV sticky ribbons yellow silk flowers K&Co glittery stick on flower embellishments some sticky tulips and most importantly a brand new Spring Tilda with daffodil!!
This is open until midnight Saturday 29th March which is when British Summer Time starts lets just hope it's a good one!!
The draw will be done by random generator commonly known as DH on Sunday morning.
Good Luck
Sue :o)

Hi Sue, glad you got your siggy sorted out. Your pansies look gorgeous, I'll pop out into the garden tomorrow and take a photo.
Andrea x
No photos from me.... we have a dusting of snow in the yard and I don't expect to see anything blooming for at least a month.... sigh...
Just found your blog Suzanne - fab cards - am hoping my magnolia will flower before Saturday but looks doubtful with the snow!!
Is British Summer Time similar to Daylight savings time here in the US? We don't save any time or money-just is so annoying to change all the clocks and routines. We still have snow here in Michigan too. piled high in places. not a nice way to spend Easter-shoveling!
wish i was a gardener i can not even keep plastic plants LOLxxx
love the new header looks gorgeous ,Dawnxx
Can I post some from my garden from last spring? This year spring is dragging it's feet. It snowed yesterday. The crocuses are trying hard, but lack of sun is not letting them open.
i love your blog suzanne keep up the good work, im keeping my fingers crossed for some blog candy.
Jackie xxxxxxxx
Got mine on my blog now. Thanks for letting me play :-)
Well I don't think I will be winning any candy!!! and what great candy it is too, does hanging out of my bedroom window and taking a pic of next doors count :)
Gina xx
Great candy Sue and some lovely photos. I don't have a garden but I will try and see if I can find something in mum's garden. x
Lovely photo's Sue and thank you for the chance at winning your lovely candy. Congrats on the blogging achievements :0) My phot is now showing onmy blog, I love daffodils! :0)
I've made this picture in my parents garden, I don't have one :)
I think it's a pretty picture and it looks springy!
Take a look at my photo here!
~ Leonie ~
Hi Sue! Here at my house there is nothing but snow...we are at least two weeks away from seeing crocuses if we're lucky...but I CAN send you a picture I took last year of my beautiful lilies....what do you think?
Kim Marie
PS I love the prize package...fabulous!! AND your calligraphy signature on your blog is BEAUTIFUL! :)
Oh I wish I could show you but all we have outside right now is snow, snow, and more snow...
We've had over 100 inches of snow this year, so there isn't any sign of spring for us yet. But here is a layout I made with photos taken this weekend of my daughter and I planting seeds indoors.
Congrats on your 200th post, Sue! We don't have anything in flower at the moment, as the daffs have finished flowering, but HERE is my favourite shrub Photinia 'Red Robin'. It certainly brightens up my day even when the weather is as dull as it has been.
Maria x
Have emailed you with picture - fingers crossed!!!!! xxx
What a great idea Sue....have just loaded my photo on my blog.
Love your blog Sue. I have just loaded my spring picture on my blog. keep my fingers crossed
Hi Sue, I have posted my pics on my blog
. Hope you like them!
Hi Sue
I have added my photo to my blog.
Natalie x
Hi Sue!
I've posted my lilac tree on my blog....under SNOW! Feel free to check it out! Enjoy!!
Kim Marie
my favorite is the Grape Hyacinth, we in Holland call it "blauwe druifjes" I allready posted pics of it on my blog on march 24th and march 26th...does that count too for your blog candy :-)
I just posted some photos of blossom-trees on my blog. Those trees really scream 'spring' to me every time I see them!
Thanks for stopping by!
i'm just posting a photo on my blog, not quite pretty flowers or lovely snow but for me it is as good as!!
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